Our very own example in London

(Right time and right place)

“Upon demobilisation in 1919 Jack Cohen as a market stall holder in Hackney, in London’s East End. He purchased NAAFI stock with his demob money and sold it on to the public. He soon became the owner of a number of market stalls.

Initially the other stalls were run by members of his family but gradually non family members were added. Cohen and his wife worked 7 days a week. Starting at dawn and counting and recording the money until late in to the night. Always ordering and re-ordering the fast moving and popular brands. 

At each market the traders would gather and, at a signal, they would race to their favoured pitch. Cohen could not compete so he simply threw his cap down at the spot he wanted. He won and in 924 the Tesco brand was created…….”

There are many ways to become an entrepreneur.

Seeing the market, working had and taking the opportunity are very much at the front of mind of any successful entrepreneur and serial entrepreneur.

Next month we will discuss ‘market sector’. An area which many would-be entrepreneurs consider to be the overriding driver to success.